187PAGE1.ZIP 6,650 05-02-94 187PAGE.PPE v1.0 Very Configurable OperatorPage Command for PCB! 9 Different PC SpeakerChat Calls!
ACDPGE.ZIP 5,302 06-29-95 [ ACDPGE v1.00 - Defcon 4 ] [PCB] PGE is agraphical operator page ppe that enhancesoperator paging. Inlcudes Source
AGSMC10.ZIP 49,173 06-29-95 AEGiS CoRP MultiChat 1.o : :- : : Multinodefullscreen chatter PPE, up to : : 10 nodesmay talk at a time ! : : Incrediblereplacement for the PCB : : Group chat.
APAGE.ZIP 3,074 12-17-94 This is a DIFFERENT way to have your USERSpage you. It makes DIFFERENT sounds andCOLORS. This is *FREE*. ONLY FOR PCBoard byAndrew Lazarus of the INTERLINE NETWORK.
BCHT110A.ZIP 46,529 08-01-92 BasChat - Version 1.1a - Compiled 08/01/92 -* Another Great Vampyre Bar! Door* BasChat isa CB chat simulator with a twist. It allowsusers to send ACTIONS to each. The actions
are definable by the SysOp and there can beup to ->50<- actions declared! An EXCELLENTdoor! [SHAREWARE-$25]
BLASPAG.ZIP 72,629 12-20-94 Blaster PAGE PPE!!! FOR PCBoard 15.XDox,MOD,and PLAYER included...
BPC_PPR.ZIP 12,607 06-29-95 -[PPE]- =PPE RANDOMIZER= -[PPE]- - Somesysops use more than 1 chat or page or ...Instead of hooking these proggies on functionkeys, use PPE.R. It supports up to 999 PPE's...
BPC_QCHT.ZIP 11,490 04-22-95 Quick Chat v1.0. Awesome small chatter.Featuring slide showing display/effects/color/redraw/ sysop's name alter./greetingmsg.
CBOX32.ZIP 160,508 09-08-95 ChatBox 3.2, The original PCB "SPLIT SCREEN"chat. Sysop may start chat - caller may page.Use with the "O" command to page the Sysop.Sysop may initiate a ChatBox chat using F10.
Horizontal / vertical split screen. SEAMLESS.Config page times, sounds and screen colors.Asks reason for page. Logs chat to disk file.Supports multiple Sysop names. Imports text.Highly configurable with many Sysop options.
CBTXTGER.ZIP 5,076 08-22-94 German language files for ChatBox v.3.0, thePCBoard split-screen chat/page DOOR/PPE fromYCS. This file contains everything needed tomake ChatBox 3.0 German language compatible.
Includes CBTEXT and all ANSI and RIP files.With thanks to Brent Yandell for the RIP-screens.
CBTXTNL.ZIP 4,783 11-04-94 Dutch language files for ChatBox v.3.0, thePCBoard split-screen chat/page DOOR/PPE fromYCS. This file contains everything needed tomake ChatBox 3.0 Dutch language compatible.
Includes CBTEXT and all ANSI and RIP files.
CHAT!100.ZIP 9,117 08-04-95 CHAT.PPE by Mukunda Modell Version 1.00 THEBEST SysOp/User Split Screen Chat PPE forPCBoard 15.21...
CHATPAGE.ZIP 3,873 12-10-94 CHATPAGE.PPE - Best looking/sounding ChatPage PPE you can GET! Put it in as the "O"command and enjoy!
CHPRO12.ZIP 22,558 10-12-95 'CHAT LOG' Processor v1.20 LPS Computing, IncConverts the "CHAT LOG" generated by PCBoardto readable and well formated ASCII txt
CHTOUT2B.ZIP 3,343 04-21-94 CHATOUT.PPE V2.0B - For PCBOARD 15.X A "Sysopis not available for chat" MOD
CIACHT58.ZIP 13,276 03-30-95 CiA Split Screen Chat v0.58
CSSC_301.ZIP 23,096 11-10-94 [MS] CSSC v3.01 Custom Split Screen Chat PPE[CSSC.PPE]: A Split Screen Chat PPE writtenin PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs A featurepacked, colour configurable SysOp/Usersplit-screen chat interface to replace the
F10 PCB Chat. Supports a User Editor PPE(CUFE) & MORE! [MS]
CW_PM_12.ZIP 5,824 05-01-95 Page-Me! v1.2 PCB Numeric Pager PPE Utility!Allow users to contact you at your pager andyou never have to reveal what that number isand each user can choose their own "codes"!!
It is a new release & more features to come!Visa/MC accepted for instant registration #!
C_DEVCHA.ZIP 3,848 06-25-94 * Devil's Chatter 31/May/1994 * A NewColorFull-Funny Chatter For PCBoard. This NewPPE Allows You To Enjoy The Boring UserChatting...
DDS_PAGE.ZIP 6,144 03-07-95 Sysop Pager which has the possibility to senda short line to the user to state why youdon't want to chat. For use with PCB15.1+.SOURCE included.
DOD_PG10.ZIP 43,333 07-21-94 PAGE/CHAT v1.0 [PPE]
DOD_PM10.ZIP 29,873 06-05-94 PAGEMOD v1.0. VOC Pager for SysOps
DOD_SCRM.ZIP 11,990 07-03-95 Screamer (SYSOP PAGE) PPE 1.0
EMPAGE10.ZIP 6,256 06-05-94 EMERGENCY PAGE PPE 1.o The ultimatereplacement for the O command. Complete withconfigurable password, lamer trap, kewlANSi's!
FCHAT10.ZIP 91,592 03-26-95 FatChat 1.0 is a SUPERB new sysop page/ chatprogram. Tons of features. Logging,split/full modes, allows paging via soundcard, drop to DOS, VIP file, much more!Customizable, easy installation, no
maintenance. Supports PCBoard 15+, TriBBS5.1+, 100%, supports most other BBS softwares99%. Reg. only $10.00.
FL_CRUEL.ZIP 84,607 07-06-95 CRUELCHATTER! The long awaited CRUEL CHATTERppe by BrainBreaker Multiple (definable)Chatscreens Jump from one screen to anotherChatscreen with auto BBS-name Your bbs-namein a special font In-chat file-viewing of
text, ansi and pcb files in ANY dir. In-chatuser editor
GL_DCHAT.ZIP 3,326 06-05-94 Devil Man's Chatter! Great Chatter! Just TryThis Cool One!
GL_SYSOP.ZIP 2,301 06-05-94 Illusion PPE Version 1.1 -> TeMpMaN! PageSysop PPE Best One Ever Made!
GNSCHAT.ZIP 10,078 06-20-94 GENESiS Chat v1.0 -[ GENESiS .. Back With aVengeance ]- Features: 100% Configurable LineChat SplitScreen Chat Online Menu
GTOCBN10.ZIP 15,010 03-14-94 CHAT Between Nodes v1.o PPE For use with PCBw/ 1 Node! Fool your users into think- ingthat you have more than 1 node linking theboard. ZIP contains CHAT and WHO PPE's whichcan do just that!
HOTCH31B.ZIP 19,537 07-08-94 [ HOTCHAT PPE V3.1b ] Multi line chat PPEreplacement for PCBoard. Supports multiplechat area's and sysop defineable actioncommands, sysop defineable private actions,public messages, private messages, user
definable Hot Tub topics, user paging insidePCBoard, complete customization with its ownPCBtext style prompt file, and action commandfile. full multi-language support for PCBoard.
HTC_PAGE.ZIP 5,928 03-30-95 Chat Pager for PCB
IMR_PG04.ZIP 21,523 04-21-94 Scream Page 04 - Fully Configurable PCBOARD -Local Sysop pager - PFASM (tm) - SeparateDisplay and Config - CONFIG.EXE for easyinstall - Full documentation - Over 40different variables - No Reggistration
rubbish - to be able to operate PPE - withoutattention getters - Comiled with PPLC 2.00
IM_PP12.ZIP 8,163 08-13-94 ProPager 1.2 [PPE] Full Feature pager withALOT of options inside. Read doc for moreinfo. REALLY GREAT!! For PCB 15.1+ Only!
INTER.ZIP 6,403 05-28-95 INTERNODE CHAT PPE BY: Steven R. Bunin ISOQPPE PRODUCTIONS Let your users chat internodein a confortable split screen user/userenvironment like your sysop/user split screenchats.
JK_BOMB.ZIP 4,319 03-07-95 [PCB] BOMB/X PAGER, SYSOP PAGE UTILITY - Nowput a stop to all the loser's that page themighty sysop, highly configurable and andfull ami/x style. sysop page utilty, check me
out now, great for every sysop with attitude!
JM_CO_16.ZIP 32,220 05-08-95 System Operator Comment v1.6 This program isa menu driven or hot-key based comment to theSystem Operator replacement. You may haveupto 9 System Operators in the menu, color,conference to leave in, public or private,
multilingual and 100% customizable program.
JM_IC_12.ZIP 65,931 01-25-95 Interactive Chat v1.2 A complete PCBoardMultiline chat PPE. This is a simplemultiline chat replacement for PCBoard's CHATcommand with many features coming. This is amust see for any multiline BBS where they
want to get there users chatting in a goodclean enviroment. Very SysOp definable.Extensive action commands! Only $25.00 andisn't crippled except for a small 5-6 seconddelay.
JM_SP_14.ZIP 23,262 04-18-95 System Operator Pager v1.4 - This PPE is acomplete (O)perator Page drop-in replacement.The program will allow multiple page times,per day, special holidays with there owntimes, bad users, priveleged users, and much
KBALARM.ZIP 12,184 05-18-95 KBAlarm.PPE 1.1, for PCBoard 15.2+ Page/AlertSysops when selected users logon to theirBBS.! Fully Configurable
LCHAT11.ZIP 16,469 03-31-95 LiQUiD CHAT v1.1 Nice CHATTER, with pager,features cool colors and all you need tosplitchat!
LOGONOF3.ZIP 6,864 07-10-94 LOGONOFF PPE V1.2 Broadcasts to all othernodes that a person has logged on or off.Definable options .. Show Sysop Yes or No,Show Alias Yes or No Supports notification tousers in Hot Chat. Complete customization
with its own pcbtext style prompt file.
MATCHAT.ZIP 24,443 03-21-94 -= Super Split Screen Chat PPE v1.0 =- An addon for any Chat program this is Great forsysops that wanna have a chat option off ofthere Matrix but it Doesn't ask For a Handle
this ppe can be used with any Chat Program orthe one included.. PCBoard 15.0+ Split-screenchat PPE that is loaded with features, andalso the fastest split chatter I have seenfor PCboard to date. Totally configureable;
chat session logging, refund time spent in
MCHAT600.ZIP 360,756 03-28-94 Magic Chat v6.00 THE Ultimate Chat door for*ANY* BBS. (DOOR.SYS or PCBOARD.SYS orDORINFOx.DEF or COMMAND LINE) Split ANSIdisplay + MACROS! + MOD PLAYING + PPE forHotkey ! + Most PowerFull paging period + +
Jokes! + TIMER + coool ANSI + screens +User/SysOp can UPLOAD/ DOWNLOAD inside theChat Door ! Everything is customizable !
MOONCH11.ZIP 4,518 07-11-94 Moon Chat v1.1 PPE 10 node systems, this is anew multinode chat program in its earlystages of development. Try it and give usyour comments! Moon Chat is freeware and itwill always be freeware. Major Bugfix.
MTY_PAGE.ZIP 21,614 07-08-95 Beavis & Butthead Pager by Mr. Menor
NKPAGE12.ZIP 10,437 03-31-95 Page PPE v1.2, BEST EVER! - By John Rambo
NOTIF10.ZIP 7,396 08-19-94 Notifier v1. This program will create @X BBSfiles telling your users if you are availablefor a chat or not. Run it as a LOGONx.BBS ora bulletin! You can choose your own display
files! (c) 1994 by DigCrtn Software, DonnyBrand. You know what to expect...this is 100%*Freeware!*
O1_3.ZIP 3,326 11-22-93 OPerator page replacment for pcboard 15.1 andabove. Split screen chatter with no bugs. Irepeate NO REAL BUGS. Adds new command onchat information ISOQ MADE PPE 718-268-5025.
O2_6.ZIP 8,359 03-19-94 This is a replacement chat PPE for pcboard15.1 and above systems. It has 3 paging timeper day, a list of people who can alwayspage, people who can never page, asks reasonfor page and checks against reasons not too
allow paging. Horizontal and Vertical splitmodes. Registration only $15 (future upgradesincluded free in reg.)
OVL-PAGE.ZIP 5,680 03-07-95 AMi/X PAGe! PPE for PCBoard 15.2+
PAGE3.ZIP 4,367 11-09-94 O.PPE - Is a PPE program I wrote after seeone I thought was neat. It makes callersthink the Sysop is typing to them then actslike you dropping carrier on them. Just a funprogram to add variety to your board.
PAGEPPE.ZIP 4,157 08-31-93 PAGE - This little .PPE program will scareusers who page during "off" hours. Useless,humorous little program.
PCB-SB.ZIP 71,521 05-14-94 SoundBlaster CHAT PAGE PPE!!! FOR PCBoard15.X Dox,MOD,and PLAYER included...
PCBPAGE.ZIP 5,722 07-03-95 PCBPAGE.PPE v.10. Program use to replace [O]Control speed of bell. Amount of time pagelast. Log of user and reason for page.Complied with PPLC 3.10. FREEWARE
PCBPAGE2.ZIP 6,926 07-27-95 PCBPAGE.PPE v1.02 Program use to replace[O]perator page command in PCBoard. Allowsysop the option of being notified of eachpaged. Display custom screen when notavailable. Control speed of bell. Amount of
time page last. Keeps a log with caller nameand reason for page. Complied with PPLC 3.10.8/95 FREEWARE
PCBPG34B.ZIP 52,178 03-30-93 PCBPage Seamless Page Door for PCBoard 15.0Version 3.4 of 09/23/92. Seamless, shell pagedoor. Now supports the USERNET.XXX File.Selective hourly settings to allow ordisallow page requests, updates USERNET.XXX
file to show page activity, multi-lingualtext files, TCAN and ALWAYS text listing ofnames to control page access, '%filespec'macro for file display in PAGETEXT. Updatedfor PCBoard 15.0 USERNET.XXX file.
PCHAT312.ZIP 103,044 09-23-92 ProChat 3.1 Beta 2. The ultimate chatreplacement door for PCBoard. For multi- nodesystems. Replaces the NODE/CHAT commands.Compu$erve-type chat interface with manyimprovements over PCBoard. Includes setup
program. NEW! Added support for the newUSERNET.XXX format on versions lower than/Xyyy
PPAGEMOD.ZIP 11,066 05-16-93 PPE-PAGE.PPE v1.00b - Compiled on 05-03-93PCBoard 15.0 [PPE] program to use in place ofyour (O)perator Page command. Seamless pageprogram that can halt a user with the wrong
security level, invalid time, not to mentionit will prevent a specific user if his nameis in the PCAN file, from paging the SysOp.(Source Code Included) Modified to include: *List of Reasons that will abort page. *
Control speed of bell. * Control amount of
PWAAMXCH.ZIP 3,496 01-14-95 AMI-X Chat PPE by Timecop A small, quick, andsimple AMI/X styled SysOp Chat replacementPPE. Very clean with no nonsense.
PWAAXCHW.ZIP 4,173 03-07-95 AMI-X Chat PPE bugfix version 2. A small,quick, and simple AMI/X styled SysOp Chatreplacement PPE
RGD-PAGE.ZIP 3,120 12-10-94 Page PPE. Quick, Simple, and Source Included
RINGD17.ZIP 51,924 12-19-92 RingDoor 1.7. A FREE door from JosephSheppard. A Sysop CHAT door that lets onlycertain callers page the Sysop duringconfigurable times. Sysop can alter the soundof the page, the default is a ringing
telephone! Turbo Pascal source included. Thisupdate works with FOSSIL drivers for PCBOARD/M compatibility. Also works withnon-standard COM port configurations.
SCHAT10.ZIP 67,029 12-18-94 SantaCHAT Door v.1.0 - for PCB or for LOCALuse at home to CHAT with Santa "live" viaInternet. Freeware from Polymath One. * itcan recognize User that is not Login User(as, the one sitting on your lap!) * * Use it
SEXCHAT.ZIP 29,935 03-08-95 The Ultimate FullScreen Chat v1.21
SHK_KP10.ZIP 7,234 03-08-95 KewlPage! v1.0.
SHMPG320.ZIP 125,431 08-01-92 Runs on any BBS capable of generating astandard DOOR.SYS or DORINFOx.DEF file. Thecomm routines support COM1 to COM4 at speedsup to 115,200 baud. The serial driverincludes XON/XOFF and CTS/RTS handshaking.
Serial input is interrupt driven, withincoming XON/XOFF flow control and/or RTSflow control. Other features include supportfor drop to DOS, various timer functions(user's time left, input timer, SysOp hot
SKCHAT13.ZIP 11,720 11-01-94 Sy Kopath Chat v1.3 - PCBoard PPE. A fun fakechat program. Quick and easy install inCMD.LST and/or DOORS.LST. No configurationfile, no maintenance! Shareware $10. Free BBSsupport. Updated for PCboard v15.2. Compiled
11/01/94. Check it out today!
SPLCHT10.ZIP 3,759 10-26-93 -[ SPLIT-CHAT PPE v1.0 ]Split screen chat.........................Uncrippled - FREE.........................SPLIT-CHAT PPE v1.0 ]
SPLIT11.ZIP 8,269 10-21-93 CHATTER.PPE, split screen chat program,PCBoard 15.0 only, Sysop activated (F10) orsysop acknowledge (space) from user
STORMC12.ZIP 5,683 05-24-94 StormCHAT v1.2 By The Ringthane SysopPAGE/CHAT PPE for PCBoard 15.1 -PagesWith.VOC File Thru SoundBlastr -Chat TimeAvailable Cognizant -Mails Chat Request &Reason To Sysop -Offers User Option To Send
Comment -Many NEW Features!A Sysop Must Have!-Totally Configurable By Sysop!
SYSPG52B.ZIP 74,650 08-28-92 [THP] SysPage v.52 Beta - (7-12-92) SysOppage/chat utility for PCB/PROD Boards Chatreason, emergency password and much moreSplit screen chat, .MOD SoundBlaster Paging!
TBH-KC.ZIP 3,651 06-05-94 KeWL CHaTTeR [PPE]
TSCHAT20.ZIP 203,731 11-28-94 TSCNET CHAT Version 2.00. (NON-BETA) Theultimate chat replacement for PCBoard 15.x!29 User Commands, 17 Sysop Commands, Actions,Topics, WHO command, Receives PCBoardBroadcasts, Calls users in PCBoard, Channel
Ownership, One-on-one mode, FullyConfigurable, Network support, COMM-DRV andFossil Support, will work on ALL nodes.Designed by a large BBS for
TSH_SYSH.ZIP 2,973 05-19-95 [TSH-SYSH.PPE] Sysop Home? v1.oo Shows anANSi depending on the state of Page Bell! (tR)
TUC_PGR.ZIP 29,499 04-16-95 Multiple Sysop Pager - Built in Comment/Chat.
VSCHO2.ZIP 147,669 12-11-94 VSCHO2.PPE file will add a Simulated sysopchat to callers. So they think they areactually chat with you. This is for a BBSthat you are never there to chat, but givescallers a chance to chat with your computer.
V_SSC100.ZIP 18,448 11-09-94 [ Split-Screen Chat PPE v1.00 ] Over 6 monthsin development! Emulates *ANY* other chatprogram, Sysop & USER custom colors, nextgeneration install (no input required!) andbest of all... Totally FREEWARE! o Horizontal
& VERTICAL chat! o Adjustable scroll-backbuffer o Window clearing/Chat logging o andmuch more...
WCHTP21.ZIP 114,795 10-20-94 WildChat Professional v2.1 The Best Chat AddOn Ever! WildChat Pro fro PC Professionals isa Multi-Line Chat add on that can be used byWildCat! 3.X & 4X, PCBoard 15.X and any BBSpackage that can generate DOOR.SYS when
executing a door. WildChat features supportfor Serial, DigiBo & Fossil device layers.Also includes excit line by line chat with'Action' messaging an Split Screen Chatsimiliar to most SysOp to
ZC0115D.ZIP 343,135 06-23-95 ZChat Advanced Teleconference System. THEmost full-featured multinode chat packageavailable. USED ON SOME OF THE LARGESTSYSTEMS IN THE WORLD. > ZChat can link yourBBS into Internet IRC! < ZChat can link your
BBS with other ZChat BBSes! ZChat offers fullfeatured chat, a full screen mouseable configprogram, and easy install. ZChat haseverything you have ever wanted in a "chat"package. As seen in "SysOp News". Demo